According to experts, the most common among women of plastic surgery is rhinoplasty. The shape of your nose, disgusted many, and often the problem is psychological is so great that makes you go under the scalpel. The benefit of plastic surgery now make it possible to achieve what before seemed unreal.

The type of rhinoplasty and characteristics of the procedure
A popular surgical repair of the nose at the same time is one of the most difficult in plastic surgery. We all want to have a perfect appearance, but before you decide on a radical change, we need to evaluate carefully the pros and cons and make sure you do not have contraindications to surgery.
To get a nose job surgeons recommend for a number of reasons medical and aesthetic character. The main indications of surgery are:
- congenital or acquired (after trauma) deformity of the nose;
- difficulty in nasal breathing due to the curvature of the septum or hypertrophy of the membrane lining of the turbinates;
- objective aesthetic defects — the presence of serious gibbo, has pointed out, thickened, or download the tip, the disproportionate size of the nose or of parts of it.
As in any surgical procedure, the rhinoplasty there is an extensive list of contraindications. About the surgery have to forget that they have one of the following chronic systemic diseases:
- diabetes mellitus;
- cardiovascular disease (CHD, severe hypertension, valvular heart disease, arrhythmia);
- autoimmune diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus);
- viral hepatitis, cirrhosis and other liver damage;
- bronchopulmonary disease;
- immunodeficiency States;
- diseases associated with bleeding disorders;
- malignant tumors;
- diseases allergies (can cause the development of anaphylactic shock).
Rhinoplasty is absolutely contraindicated in severe General infections, such as tuberculosis.
Some diseases and conditions can exclude the possibility of rhinoplasty is only temporarily. These include:
- acute viral infections (SARS, influenza, herpes);
- diseases of ENT organs (rhinitis, sinusitis, otitis);
- inflammatory changes of the skin;
- pregnancy and breast-feeding.
There are also age restrictions for the procedure. Rhinoplasty is not recommended for children and adolescents up to 18 years, the process of the formation of the anatomical structures of the nose is not yet complete, and the effects of surgery can be unpredictable. After 55 years, to carry out plastic also undesirable: the elderly slow recovery processes, and this complicates the course of the rehabilitation period. However, age-related contraindications are not absolute, and the question of the operation in this case is resolved individually. For example, if congenital malformations of the structure of the nose cause breathing problems, frequent rhinitis, sinusitis, otitis media, the hard plastic out, even if the patient has not reached 18 years of age.
To determine the indications for rhinoplasty and make sure that there are no contraindications before the procedure of the survey. The first stage of the formation of consultation where the patient speaks with the doctor of their disturbing defect and he talks about the desired results. The duty of the surgeon to give an honest forecast, and do not keep expectations unrealistic, which are sometimes of customers.
Next, is the standard diagnosis preoperative. Need to do an analysis of blood General and biochemical tests for infections (HIV, viral hepatitis, syphilis), in the ECG, visit a therapist and the anesthesiologist. Sometimes you need to x-ray paranasal sinuses and consult a dentist.
In the operation of rhinoplasty was a success, and the recovery was quick, the procedure you need to prepare properly. Two weeks before the planned event, it is advisable to adjust your lifestyle and nutrition to give bad habits and unhealthy food, to set the sleep mode. You should stop taking drugs that prevent the clotting of blood (anticoagulants): their action can lead to serious bleeding during the surgery. On the day of the procedure do not eat, if the surgery will be under General anesthesia.
Characteristics of the operation, are determined by its shape. Plastic surgery of nose (rhinoplasty) is a common name that combines different type of correction surgical. According to default is one of the following types of intervention:
- The reconstruction is a complicated operation, that is to say, the restoration of the anatomical structures of the nose damaged by injury or already botched rhinoplasty. It is often used the method of implementation.
- Correction of the form — operation on the bridge of the nose to make it more narrow or more wide, eliminate bending, to remove gibbo or retraction.
- Plastic columella . Thus, in medical language is called the bridge that separates the nose. With surgery can enlarge or reduce, increase, or decrease.
- Plastic nose tip is a relatively simple operation, aimed at eliminating such common defects as "bulbous nose", upturned. Surgically possible to lift the tip of the nose, improve or expand.
- Plastic wings of the nose . It's more often used for those who has the nose seems too big: the procedure allows you to adjust the size and the cut of the nostrils. After the nose plastic becomes more refined and aristocratic look.
- Septorhinoplasty . Its essence lies in the correction of defects of the nasal septum. Plastics of this type carried out for medical reasons.
- Augmentationem of plastic — the operation to raise sunken bridge for the implementation of their own or donor cartilage.
Even this brief description, it is clear that the scope of the intervention and the degree of trauma, rhinoplasty can vary a lot. It is one thing when you need to fix the tip of the nose or reduce the columella, and quite another — when you want to "cut" gibbo or raise the nose. Depending on the purpose and the different access methods — open and closed. The first method is more invasive: these are incisions in the skin, the affected cartilage and bone tissue. With a closed rhinoplasty to access from the mucosa. This operation is carried out with the minimum of damage, and the rehabilitation period after shorter. But serious defects often can be solved only with open access.
The operation is performed under General anesthesia. The procedure itself lasts an average of one to three hours. To correct the defect, the surgeon stitches and a plaster cast.
This is important
To return to normal life immediately after the surgery will not work. During the recovery period, that can be difficult to breathe through the nose, can also be concerned with the problems of aesthetic nature: swelling, bruising. Don't be afraid: it is very natural, since during the surgery, damaged blood vessels. Bruising and swelling after rhinoplasty disappear in about two weeks.
The period of rehabilitation approved quickly and without complications, surgeons recommend to follow some rules:
- to delete the sport, not to lift weights;
- do not eat spicy food, hot food and drinks, alcohol, which can cause bleeding;
- to wear the pressure bandage (approximately 10-14 days);
- by the beginning of the re-absorption of haematomas and swelling, you can use special external resources and the implementation of rehabilitation treatments that the doctor prescribes.
The end result of the transformation will be visible throughout the year after surgery because of soft tissue swelling lasts up to three to four months, and the swelling of the periosteum osteotomy of up to six to eight months.
How to choose a doctor for a rhinoplasty
All of this, she convinces us that the important step is the decision to resort to rhinoplasty. Rely on luck in this matter is unacceptable: because of the insufficient qualification of the surgeon at great risk of having complications or at least satisfactory result. Therefore, the choice of doctor and the clinic should be treated very seriously. To protect yourself from bugs, you need to pay attention to the following points:
- Documentation on the basis of which the selected works clinical. She must have the license for implementation of medical activities. There are other necessary documents: sanitary-epidemiological conclusion, the rules of the provision of medical services. It is necessary to ask about presence of certificates on equipment and materials.
- Make sure that the doctor has a high enough rating. About the professional achievements of the surgeon will tell you diplomas, awards and certificates, certificates of further training.
- To evaluate the level of service at the clinic. First, the service affects the comfort and the psychological patients, and this is very important in such areas as aesthetic medicine. Secondly, service-level indicator of the clinic, as a whole, and therefore the quality of the services. You can meet staff, find out what is included in the program, in addition to the operation itself (not the advice and recovery procedures during the rehabilitation and post-rehabilitation periods).
- To learn about the responsibility of doctors. Good surgeons we trust in your professionalism and ready to respond to the result of the operations. Before signing a contract with the institution, which shall carefully examine the text of the document and all the terms and conditions under which its medical services.
- The cost of services is an important selection criterion. The price of a nose job is always different, and not always coincide with the quality of the services. The operation is, in principle, can not be called cheap, and this issue deserves separate consideration.
What is the rhinoplasty
The cost of rhinoplasty depends on the conditions:
- the complexity of the procedure, the volume of surgical intervention;
- the qualification of the surgeon (for example, an operation in the doctor of the highest category will cost more than less eminent specialist);
- level clinical;
- the region (the price of rhinoplasty in big cities is higher than in the province).
The first factor is the most important. Different types of rhinoplasty are not the same, and it is natural: the characteristics of the intervention determine the time and the effort dedicated by the surgeon.
The range of prices for the same services in different clinics is very high. Choose the cheapest offer is always risky: difficult to put in danger your own health and beauty in the pursuit of savings. It is better to focus on the average level of prices, and, of course, without neglecting other selection criteria.
Thanks to the skills of plastic surgeons to get rid of any defect. But in the pursuit of a perfect appearance do not forget about the fact that rhinoplasty is a complex operation, and to make it better only if there was serious evidence. But no matter what was the reason of the decision of medical necessity or dissatisfaction with the size and shape of the nose, — the most important thing — to be attentive to the choice of clinics and specialists.